The SEO 101 For Beginners

The SEO Secrets Every Business Should Know

Niagara SEO: Search engine optimization is the process of growing the quality and quantity of website traffic by increasing the visibility of a website or a web page to users of a web search engine. SEO refers to the improvement of unpaid results and excludes direct traffic and the purchase of paid placement.

The SEO Back-up Plan: Do YOU Have One?

The SEO Back-up Plan: Do YOU Have One?

Search engine optimization (SEO) can be MORE than tricky these days. Not only is it sometimes difficult to understand for the average Joe, to make matters more complicated, Google frequently updates their algorithm, tweaking and sometimes dramatically changing the way...

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What are some common SEO Mistakes to avoid?

What are some common SEO Mistakes to avoid?

That is a great question and is probably the most common question that I get asked by friends, family and clients.  First off, search engine optimization isn’t brain surgery or quantum mechanics, it’s hundreds of little details that align to make a bigger picture. ...

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Google penalties to be stronger for repeat offenders

Severe Google penalties for repeat offenders Distinguished Engineer at Google Matt Cutts has revealed that webmasters who choose to repeatedly disregard Google guidelines are at risk of receiving more severe penalties. Webmasters that have been hit with a spam warning...

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Google Updates: What You Need To Know

Google Updates: What You Need To Know

If you are an online entrepreneur, or just run a part-time online business, then you have most definitely been affected by Google’s numerous and frequent updates drastically. This is due to the fact that the entire mechanism of online business runs around Google, such as Google Hummingbird, Google Penguin and Google’s Encrypting Search. Hence, in today’s world, without Google, you cannot imagine running an online business at all, and to make sure that you are ready to cope up with the drastic changes that Google makes to its system, here are the recent most changes to bring you up to speed.

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Google Hummingbird – Promotion of Content Marketing

Premium copywriters should be jubilant about Hummingbird. Google’s latest algorithm is able to hone in on good quality writing and reward it with high search ranking. Now Google’s crawlers can discern the strings of words and phrases that make up well-written text;...

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4 Tips For Hiring The Right SEO Firm

4 Tips For Hiring The Right SEO Firm

A nice-looking website does not a good SEO firm make. If you’re looking to hire an SEO firm that can also take care of designing your new website, then yes, you should probably consider how good their own website looks. But if you’re only looking for top-notch SEO, some of the best firms have websites that are second-rate at best.

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11 SEO Secrets Only the Insiders Know

11 SEO Secrets Only the Insiders Know

“A lot of SEO has been focused on technical matters and very highly specific ways to configure your website and stuff like that. There are best practices, and you need to make sure you get the basics right, but it is true that a lot of SEO is now circling back around to good old fashioned marketing.”

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Does My Business Need a SEO Refresher Course?

Does My Business Need a SEO Refresher Course?

It takes a lot to run a small business and not just the administration, hiring, budgeting and all of that, but also the advertising and public relations side of it. These days, you really can’t run a business without using SEO for this, and if you’re not sure what that means or how to do it, you may need a refresher course!

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Understanding SEO Terms for Small Business

SEO takes work. Making sure your technical factors are properly set up as well as making sure your website is keyword-rich and useful will help you to drive targeted traffic. Once that’s all set, it will all be about building backlinks and increasing your website authority.

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