The SEO 101 For Beginners

The SEO Secrets Every Business Should Know

Niagara SEO: Search engine optimization is the process of growing the quality and quantity of website traffic by increasing the visibility of a website or a web page to users of a web search engine. SEO refers to the improvement of unpaid results and excludes direct traffic and the purchase of paid placement.

8 Durable SEO Elements

Recent changes to Google’s search ranking algorithms and highly publicized search penalization of well-known brands, have caused much angst in the SEO community. However, Google’s changes to its algorithms aren’t new. Seasoned SEOs have experienced major algorithm...

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65% of online adults use social networking sites

However, while young adults have consistently been the most likely to use social networking sites, internet users in other age groups have seen faster rates of growth in recent years. In the past two years, social networking site use among internet users age 65 and older has grown 150%, from 13% in April 2009 to 33% in May 2011. Similarly, during this same time period use by 50-64 year-old internet users doubled—from 25% to 51%.

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How to Make Facebook a Useful SEO Tool

By linking from your Facebook page to Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, YouTube and any other social networks you are a part of, you are encouraging your Friends and Fans to connect with you on those site in addition to Facebook.

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Snakes and Ladders of Search Engine Optimisation

If an SEO company provides an article for you. You should ask the question, are they Australian, English or US native speakers and do they have a portfolio of work you can review. After all its your brand they are writing about. The average cost of a writer in Australia to create a 250 word article is around $150- $500 depending on how much research is needed.

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What is Google Panda?

Panda is a new search algorithm from Google designed to improve search return quality for users by filtering for better quality matches.

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The ‘Write’ Way to Optimise Your Website

This article is mainly for businesses or people getting started with SEO but equally, as an Internet marketing consultant it’s all too easy to focus on link building and the technical aspects of SEO. It’s important to remember that part of our job is to coach site owners and to help extract and publish the valuable content.

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