The SEO 101 For Beginners

The SEO Secrets Every Business Should Know

Niagara SEO: Search engine optimization is the process of growing the quality and quantity of website traffic by increasing the visibility of a website or a web page to users of a web search engine. SEO refers to the improvement of unpaid results and excludes direct traffic and the purchase of paid placement.

Google Instant Preview Gives Web Designers an Edge

This new technology will dramatically change SEO, but not in the sense of search engine rankings or how your website is optimized. This will change the behavior of a user’s decision to visit your website based on your site’s first impression. This is either good news or bad news for some companies and highlights the importance of a good web designer.

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Google Places: Does Local SEO and Google Boost Make for a Local SEM?

While Google refines this product offering, Google Boost is currently limited to testing in Chicago, Houston, and San Francisco. In order to set up a Google Boost ad, a local business must claim their Places Page first and the ads are then created directly in the Google Places account. Here’s how they work:

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5 SEO Techniques to Kill the Bounce Rate

Almost 55% of all websites that are launched for attracting and realizing business goals on the web suffer from a killing bounce rate, which ultimately forces them off the table. SEO services, even when sourced from a great online SEO firm and at the best price available, can often ignore bounce rates and thus impair the whole purpose of the campaign.

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Google Place Search Emphasizes Local SEO

When Google’s search engine believes the searcher wants information about a location, it returns local businesses high in the search engine results page. The new results in Place Search supports longer descriptions and reviews. Scroll down the page and the map follows along in the browser window.

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Preparing Your Small Business Site For SEO

Of course, that’s a tall order for most small businesses (and, let’s face it, there are some industries where you’d really struggle even to approach a dozen unique pages of content). But the good news is that this content doesn’t all have to be added to your site at once; in fact, it’s better if it isn’t.

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5 Tips To Improve Your website Sales (PayPal)

Looking for new ways to grow your online business? This issue we have some helpful resources to help you do just that, including five tips to improve your website’s design, a checklist for superior customer service and insights from a leading consumer electronics retailer.

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25 Super Common SEO Mistakes

Yes I’ll beat on the meta keywords tag yet again. Google never supported it. All it is is free info for your competitors. Guaranteed there are items on your SEO to-do list like this that aren’t worth doing. Be outcome-focused, not activity-focused. Focus on what matters.

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Google’s View of HTML5 In Terms Of SEO & Crawling

Personally, I would recommend using HTML5 where you think that it already makes sense, perhaps reverting to HTML4 if you can determine that the browser won’t support the elements of HTML5 that you use properly. While this will not result in an advantage for your content in our search results, it generally wouldn’t be disadvantageous either.

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Top 10 Most Frightening Mistakes SEOs Will Make This Halloween

Halloween is the time of year when people dress up as ghosts, ghouls, goblins and other malevolent creatures that patrol the streets in search of candy and a good scare or two. In the SEO world, terrors lurk behind every corner of the web on a daily basis, pitfalls that can cause your site to fall in the rankings – or even worse, drop from the SERPs altogether.

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Google Instant Shakes up SEO

Just recently Google unveiled their newest feature; Google Instant. Google Instant is all about predicting what a user will search for, helping to fill in the rest of the phrase, and instantly giving the results. No longer will users be forced to wait for Google to reload; the results are simply instant (or close).

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Measuring SEO Success

Some of the tactical execution is different depending on resources and scope, but ultimately we need to use this data to understand how our SEO campaign is performing and to prioritize opportunities within the campaign so that we achieve the highest possible ROI.

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