Building communities based around related keywords will end up benefiting everyone involved. With the intricate nature of modern search engines like Google, every page that makes up a website should be considered as a landing page. The landing pages that help to build community the easiest, most time-efficient ways are called rapid conversion landing pages (RCLP).

An RCLP is designed to entice visitors to sign up by offering them a free, valuable product in return for their email address. The websites make these offers in hopes of creating a community of email subscribers who share the same interests. These members can then communicate with the website’s community, while receiving consistent correspondence from the editors or authors of the website.

To properly reach, target and communicate with an audience, it’s necessary to follow specific guidelines while creating your RCLP. These guidelines include the following:

SEO copywriting   step #1 – Build strategy based on an audience
SEO copywriting  step #2 – Use keyword research
SEO copywriting   step #3 – Choose keyword phrases for your RCLP
SEO copywriting  step #4 – Write a keyword-rich title for a free product
SEO copywriting   step #5 – Write the offer
SEO copywriting   step #6 – Compile the header and metadata
SEO copywriting   step #7 – Write a draft of the RCLP
SEO copywriting  step #8 – Take a break
SEO copywriting   step #9 – Rewrite and edit
SEO copywriting  step #10 – Measure the keyword density