Google SEO, SEO 101, Small Business SEO, Social SEO
Search Engine Optimization is growing up. I am not ready to say the Wild West SEO days are completely eradicated, but in 2011 good search engine optimization is less about trickery and more about engaging content and audience development than ever before. Over the...
Facebook SEO, Google SEO, Niagara SEO, SEO 101, Social SEO
A year ago now, both Google and Bing announced that they factor social signals from social media into their organic search algorithms. As the lines between social media and SEO continue to thin, social media will gain importance for SEO. As Google described it, social...
Google SEO, SEO 101, Wordpress
Getting your voice heard on the internet is never easy. It can be like setting up your soapbox on a crowded street, and waving frantically to get passers-by to pay attention. You might be an expert in your chosen topic, with pearls of wisdom to dispense on X particles...
Google SEO, SEO 101, Small Business SEO
An SEO content writer is someone who provides writing, usually in the form of short articles, for websites for the purposes of SEO. Your writing helps online businesses rank higher in search results. Wait, back up… what’s SEO? It stands forSearch Engine...
Google SEO, SEO 101, Social SEO, Wordpress
WordPress is a great blogging tool, and if you’re looking to an easy route to SEO, even the basic install of WordPress will get you half-way there. Set up correctly, WordPress is ideal for SEO as it puts your keywords in good positions and has lots of options for...
Google SEO, SEO 101, Small Business SEO, Social SEO
So often marketing campaigns are thought of as having separate distinct parts — email, search engine marketing, social media, affiliate marketing, paid advertising, the list goes on and on. This is especially true in larger organizations with single staff members or...
Google SEO, SEO 101, Small Business SEO
We have outlined some tips on how to get started on your search engine optimisation (SEO) campaign. 1. Research potential keywords for your business The main purpose of an organic SEO campaign is to get relevant and targeted traffic to your website with the right...