The New World Of SEO

How To Improve Your Website Performance Thanks to the fact that Google has never released all the factors they base their algorithm rankings on, most of us simply speculate about the finer details. The better-known factors, such as keyword placement and URL, are both...

SEO Mistakes You Could Probably be Making

We have dealt with in the past blogs too about the kind of SEO mistakes that you may be committing. Even if we were to shout ourselves hoarse, you could still be making many follies, even though unintentionally. You need to understand that SEO is something that you...

5 Steps to Building a Great SEO Strategy

Search engine optimization has been a hot topic for content marketers in recent years. Google, the undeniable leader of Web indexing, is constantly changing its algorithms for what content rises to the top of search results, and attempts to cheat the system render...
The SEO Back-up Plan: Do YOU Have One?

The SEO Back-up Plan: Do YOU Have One?

Search engine optimization (SEO) can be MORE than tricky these days. Not only is it sometimes difficult to understand for the average Joe, to make matters more complicated, Google frequently updates their algorithm, tweaking and sometimes dramatically changing the way...