Niagara SEO, SEO 101, Small Business SEO, Wordpress
The out-of-the-box SEO (organic search) reports in Google Analytics a very limited and provides little insigths beyond the top-level KPI’s. However if you take advantage of the Google Analytics Custom Reports you are able to pull out very valuable and actionable...
Niagara SEO, SEO 101, Small Business SEO, Wordpress
In working with both web designers and search engine optimizers, one thing I’ve noticed is this: They’re often at odds with each other. It’s unfortunate that too many web designers think SEO is snake oil (or evil, or unethical — whatever you...
SEO 101, Small Business SEO, Wordpress
WordPress is the most popular CMS in the world, particularly with Internet marketers and SEOs. Its a great system that is easy to use and provides a huge amount of flexibility. Here are some advanced techniques to give your site that extra push: Check Your HTML...
Niagara SEO, SEO 101, Small Business SEO
Internet marketing can be a minefield. There’s no official textbook on proper strategy or tactics. It’s up to business owners, and the marketing and search engine optimization (SEO) professionals they might hire, to figure out what works and what...
Niagara SEO, SEO 101, Small Business SEO
As most webmasters know, SEO is the key to achieving a decent amount of targeted traffic. If you have a lot of visitors then it means more business for you. Search Engine Optimization has constantly been changing for years now. Search engines have also devised ways on...
Niagara SEO, SEO 101, Social SEO
YouTube results claiming the #2 and #3 ranks in Google search for “how to tie a tie” Some mind boggling YouTube Stats to get you in the mood: – 800 million unique monthly users – 4 billion+ videos are viewed every day – The amount of video uploaded...
Google SEO, Niagara SEO, SEO 101, Small Business SEO
In April, Google launched an algorithm update known as Penguin, which penalized websites that were “overly-optimized”. SEOs everywhere scrambled to figure out why sites were penalized and how those sites could find new life after Penguin. This has left many webmasters...
Google SEO, Niagara SEO, SEO 101, Small Business SEO
I will remember 2012 as the year when SEO took a giant leap forward. It was the year when it became evident –among other things due to the diverse Google updates (Pandas and Penguins)– that if we looked to achieve consistent SEO growth over time we should definitely...