How to be good in the world of SEO

The Internet Advertising Bureau UK recently developed a set of good practice principles for online promotions, to ensure companies that collect and use data for behavioural advertising do so ethically. Firms that have signed up to date include Google, AOL, Microsoft...

SEO Basics With Google Webmaster Tools

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can be complicated when you don’t know the right way to use this feature for directing traffic to your There are many tools available, yet considering Google is the search engine used more frequently, the...

Keep your money; NO SEO for Full Flash Sites

A little flash is ok… This is an important distinction. A couple Flash movies, widgets, or applications shouldn’t negatively influence your Web site’s SEO potential to a high degree, particularly if you follow some best practices. But having your...

Footer Link Optimization

Site after site that I visit lately has been showing a tendency for using footer links to run their internal SEO link structure and anchor text optimization. While this practice in years past held value, today I rarely ever recommend it (and yes, SEOmoz itself will be...

SEO Copywriting was Marketing Copy in the old days

Marketing Copy is now called SEO Copy writing and it’s hot. Why is it hot. Google has raised the bar on the copycats. You’re going to need original engaging text if you want the win the race of the future. Funny it’s the same thing my Business...

Is PageRank Dead? Matt Cutts Interview;

Webpros interviews Matt Cutts on Changes at Google We previously brought you a video report in which Bruce Clay made a claim that “ranking is dead.” In the above WPN video, Matt Cutts of Google responds to that assertion. Matt does not completely agree with Bruce that...

Keywords; chicken or egg

What comes first; the chicken or the egg? Content is King and the Queen has to be Keywords. Simply put, nothing else in SEO matters if you don’t get the foundation of your SEO right from the get-go. The foundation of all great SEO is made up of excellent Keyword...

3 Rules for SEO Design

Rule One: Stick to Your Keywords Pick a few keywords or phrases that describe your site. Use them, and words related to them, whenever it’s natural to do so. Repeating them uselessly is no good (rule Zero), use them in sentences, headlines, and links. Rule Two:...

SEO takes time…

Every marketing tactic gets more scrutiny when budgets face the severity of a struggling economy. Marketers are increasingly responding to the accountability found in digital marketing, placing their budget toward efforts that they can clearly measure against. Put SEO...