If you really want to have optimized websites make sure you optimize your website from the very start.

Working on optimizing your website from the very beginning will save you a lot of time on the SEO process. This is because changing your website when it is already established can take even more time than getting things done the right way from the very beginning.

Also, when you launch your website, you want to make sure that people stumble on your website right away. When you launch your website without starting work on the optimization, you are wasting precious time and have a website that does not register with the search engines at all.

If you want to start SEO from the very beginning make sure that you design your website with your clients in mind. Ease of use and great contents are two of the factors that you need to get right from the very beginning. Then there is also the use of keywords in your website. You need to ensure that the contents of your website are keyword-rich. And the articles do not just have to be keyword-rich, you need to make sure that the keywords are organic. The keywords do not have to be forced. They should go with the flow of your articles. Your clients must be able to read your articles with ease. The keywords must not stand out unnecessarily.

You can start by doing research on keywords that are essential for your SEO efforts. There are free tools online that can help you decide what keywords you must use when creating your contents and when optimizing your website for the search engines.

Use broad keywords such as categories and use more specific keywords too. Using categories and broad keywords will help you cast a net on potential readers. Then using specific keywords will help you really target your messages to your audience.

By doing the simple task of incorporating keywords into your website from the very beginning you will gain results from your SEO faster than if you postponed doing SEO. If you postponed SEO until after you have already launched your website then you will have more work that you need to do than if you implemented SEO from the very beginning.

Make sure you hire a web programming and design company that really incorporates intelligent design and SEO.