Search engine optimization, or SEO, is not a new tactic in internet marketing; in fact it is one of the oldest. However, thanks to the recently released Google Instant search system the entire SEO game has been changed. Previously SEO worked so effectively because Google could essentially take the keywords entered and match them up to sites that displayed these keywords in the most appropriate way.
Because Google never fully reveals how their search system works SEO has always been a theoretical optimization; largely determined through trial and error. Thanks to significant amounts of research internet marketing through SEO became possible for many. Unfortunately it seems Google has once again put a stop to artificial optimization through SEO.
Just recently Google unveiled their newest feature; Google Instant. Google Instant is all about predicting what a user will search for, helping to fill in the rest of the phrase, and instantly giving the results. No longer will users be forced to wait for Google to reload; the results are simply instant (or close).
Unfortunately for aspiring internet entrepreneurs who rely largely on SEO to generate traffic Google will once again be difficult to optimize for. Because Google Instant is geared towards predicting the search and automatically displaying results sites are much less likely to generate traffic through simple keywords which they are optimized for. In effect Google has made it easier for users, and significantly harder for webmasters.
Overall many technology experts agree that despite the setbacks in SEO the overall results from Google Instant will be positive for the end user. Since the launch average search times have been down significantly; and most users report significantly more useful results. SEO experts maintain they will find a way to cope.