A lot of new sites can run into trouble when trying to compete with established businesses. It’s only natural to aim for the top when starting a new business, and in fact high aims are a part of success. At the same time, optimism needs to be blended with a degree of realism. This should be a guide to all sites trying to compete on a new keyword.

Take a brand-new computer hardware site, for example. Online computer retail is hardly new, so there will be plenty of sites already competing in this area. Not only will the site be competing with niche industry sites, it will compete with any department store or chain that sells computer hardware, as most of these are now online. The new site is just one tiny fish in a very crammed sea.

The first issue the site has to deal with is a lack of history. The search engines weigh history fairly heavily. This is an issue that can only be answered with time, unless the site is able to purchase an existing domain. If purchase is possible, a thorough search should be done to ensure that any history the domain brings with it is good history.

The second issue is competition. Computer hardware has been advertised on the net for almost as long as there have been computers or the net. Competition in any area of computer hardware will be tough, but it is possible for a new site to gain a foothold if the site owner selects the right niche. In the area of computer hardware, for example, second-hand hardware represents a significant portion of the market but is less competitive than new hardware. The niche selected will depend on the business plan, but a little research can help a new site choose where to go.

The third issue is the area in which many new sites make big mistakes, and this is keywords. Keyword selection for a brand-new site is a delicate matter. There needs to be a balance between ambition and caution. Sometimes a little creative thinking can give you an edge. For example, a computer hardware site will find competition tough for ‘refurbished computer hardware’, but slightly easier with ’second hand computer hardware.’ The keyword chosen in this case needs to provide a significant amount of traffic, but have low competition, and a little more in-depth research will be necessary.

Even if your site has been established for some time, you need to have a realistic view of the keywords you can compete on. Keyword research is worthless if it is aimed at the wrong targets. It’s important to have an idea of what your site is capable of as well as having firm aspirations. Don’t forget, once you have a firm foothold you can always work your way up the keyword ladder in time. It is advisable to seek professional assistance when deciding on your keyword list and you can talk to us at SEO Consult about keyword research.