Marketing Copy is now called SEO Copy writing and it’s hot. Why is it hot. Google has raised the bar on the copycats. You’re going to need original engaging text if you want the win the race of the future. Funny it’s the same thing my Business Marketing professor said in 1984 in college.

SEO copy writing plays an important role in search engine optimization; however, tightened budgets are leading many companies to forego this essential component when working with an SEO firm. Leading Florida-based SEO company SEO Advantage, Inc. is making sure its clients can enjoy the benefits of professional copy writing services by including SEO copy writing as standard in its ongoing comprehensive SEO programs, at no extra charge.

Professional copywriters at the SEO company are skilled in writing optimized copy for web site development projects, campaign landing pages, social media optimization and online public relations. With copywriting experience in a variety of industries like telecommunications, science, healthcare, technology, agriculture, real estate, hospitality, and education, SEO Advantage copywriters contribute high-quality content that targets the specific needs of its audiences. Adds Reuning, “Our SEO copywriters have been in demand for writing web sites and online promotional elements, and now that same quality will be available as a standard component of our comprehensive SEO programs.”