SEO copywriting, put simply, is writing for the search engines. In essence, it’s writing for the web while thinking about your prospect as well as the search engines. This type of writing creates content for sites that makes sense to readers but also causes you to rank higher on the search engine results page. Make sure you differentiate this in your mind from keyword stuffing. It’s not as easy as just taking the copy from your site and then filing it with keywords wherever you’d like. The main concept of SEO copywriting is that today’s search engines rank pages higher that have original content and that are also updated on a regular basis. To reach both of these goals, you need to use SEO copywriting methods. You will soon learn the various methods for getting the most out of your website while also reaching the most targeted traffic using search engines with the right content.

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It’s very common for SEO copywriters to ignore both internal and external hyperlinks. When we talk about the internal hyperlinks, it is when you link to the other pages of your site that are relevant to the content you’re writing, which will give you a positive boost. This will ease site navigation while also maximizing the time a person spends on your site. Internal linking done properly is something the search engines love, so you’ll be sending a big green light to them. You won’t want to forget about the ALT tags. When it comes to external links, links that point to an external source, they can help you in two different ways. First, they give a certain validation from a third party of your expertise and secondly you have the opportunity to connect to their affiliate program of that resource or opt for reciprocal linking. As long as your internal and external links are in sync with your content, the search engines will always reward you.

Now that we know the do’s, there are things you’ll want to avoid when writing web copy. Avoid flash as it really inhibits your goal of high ranking. Flash does nothing for SEO. Search engines are unable to read flash and, besides, it takes too long to load.

To make matters worse, any information that’s embedded in a Flash file won’t be indexed by the search engines. The concept of search engine optimization is to create content that’s more readable for search engines. Therefore, don’t use Flash on your site as it’s only going to drive away your traffic.

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{Don’t use frames on your site, because they’re useless when it comes to SEO. Search engines find it difficult to identify pages with frames because they aren’t user friendly and make navigation difficult. They leave absolutely no chance for the website to get indexed and ranked with the search engines. If you do include frames on your site, only your homepage will get indexed. In other words, frames are useless so don’t use them.|Finally, use at the most 4-5 keywords in your file names. If you have keywords in your file name, it’s a well known fact that this will help with your SEO. Not only that, but it’s logical to use these keywords when naming the directory where the file will be kept.|Always focus on offering meaty content. It’s also best to have copy that is more than 400 words in length. The more content you have, the better your site will be. If the information you’re giving away is indeed valuable, then you should aim for at least 1,000 words on the page.|Captions are usually used to explain pictures on a website and are ignored by readers. However, you must remember that Google does understand pictures and how they can be used.

Thus, it is important to add captions that begin with the terms you are targeting to help Google understand your goals.|Therefore, you’ll want to focus on writing for the search engines if you wish to rank well and also gain organic traffic that converts.