Niagara SEO, SEO 101, SEO Fringe, Small Business SEO
Despite the changes, SEO continues to be a key factor of any digital marketing plan. A successfully run campaign can provide a high return on investment in a way that is measurable and easy to adopt. Using SEO is an important part of digital marketing. The new changes...
Facebook SEO, SEO Fringe, Social SEO
Many people don’t think of YouTube as a “social media” platform. They think of it primarily as a place to watch videos. But people are drawn to online video often because they can interact with the creators in ways that they can’t on television. For you, as the online...
Google SEO, Niagara SEO, Small Business SEO
Google is continually tweaking and revising the way it indexes content. While it does publish clues about its algorithm updates, it rarely comes clean about all of its reasons for changes. Fixing things can be tough. To get you off on the right track, here’s the part...
Google SEO, Niagara SEO, SEO 101, Small Business SEO
If you are an online entrepreneur, or just run a part-time online business, then you have most definitely been affected by Google’s numerous and frequent updates drastically. This is due to the fact that the entire mechanism of online business runs around Google, such...
Google SEO, Niagara SEO, Small Business SEO
It seems to me like the concept of “natural language” has been everywhere lately in the world of SEO. Google’s Hummingbird update appears to be better equipped to deal with natural language, while voice search (which of course only uses natural language) continues to...
Google SEO, SEO 101, Small Business SEO
Premium copywriters should be jubilant about Hummingbird. Google’s latest algorithm is able to hone in on good quality writing and reward it with high search ranking. Now Google’s crawlers can discern the strings of words and phrases that make up well-written text;...