SEO 101, Small Business SEO
As more and more science writing is done specifically for the web, the way science writers pen their stories is subtly and not-so-subtly changing. Writers are becoming increasingly conscious of search engine optimisation (SEO) and social media optimisation (SMO) for...
Google SEO, Niagara SEO, SEO 101, Small Business SEO
The latest Google Webmaster video features Distinguished Engineer Matt Cutts talking about what webmasters can expect to see in the next few months in terms of SEO for Google, particularly changes combating black hat web spam from many different angles in a variety of...
SEO 101, Small Business SEO
The business world is moving fast, and with advances in technology occurring as quickly as they are, action needs to be taken to ensure that your business isn’t left behind. While increasing your visibility online is the key to success it is worth reminding yourself...
Google SEO, Niagara SEO, SEO 101, Small Business SEO
According to Matt Cutts of Google, only 20% of the U.S. population has heard of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). That leaves a staggering 80% of people who are unfamiliar with the practice. And it’s likely a high percentage of this population has a website or helps...